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Subaru EJ Upgraded Turbo

Subaru EJ Upgraded Turbo

This option is for doing a remote (email) tune on a Suabru with an EJ25 or EJ20 engine with an upgraded stock location turbo and any supporting mods. This tune requires that you have a wideband air to fuel ratio gauge installed in your car.


Add on options:


Flex Fuel / E85 ($200)

Add an E85 tune and utilize flex fuel if it is available for your tuning solution.  This requires that your car be setup withe needed hardware to run flex fuel.  If you are not sure, please ask us before purchasing. This option can add up to 50-150 whp on an upgraded turbo setup depending on modications.

Please note that at this time, Cobb Tuning software DOES NOT offer Flex Fuel support so we have to do E85 specific mapping.  When they bring back Flex Fuel suppot, we can enable that with proper hardware.

Second Map ($150)

This add on is for a second map which can be for the following things.
- Second gasoline fuel type (different octane, 91oct, 93oct, race gas, etc)

- Secondary use map (Track racing, drag racing, etc)


Burble Map ($50) -

This is an extra map that will give the car a "burble" or popping exhaust sound when coasting in gear.  The feature is active above 3000 rpms and only when coasting (decellerating).  The effect and sound will depend on your exhaust system.  The more open it is, the louder the effect.


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